Current Path : /home/innovagencyco/www/abtest.innovagency.co.za/wp-content/plugins/backuply-pro/lib/ |
Current File : //home/innovagencyco/www/abtest.innovagency.co.za/wp-content/plugins/backuply-pro/lib/webdav.php |
<?php class webdav{ var $path; var $filename; var $filesize = 0; var $session_id = ''; var $offset = 0; var $tmpsize = 0; var $tpfile = 'php://temp'; //php://memory not working on localhost var $mode = ''; var $wp = NULL; // Memory Write Pointer var $credentials = array(); // The credentials var $url = ''; // The URL to make curl call var $chunk = 2097152; //2MB var $range_lower_limit = 0; var $range_upper_limit = 0; var $chunk_url = ''; // The chunk URL to upload chunks var $chunk_counter = 0; // The chunk counter which will be used as file names var $filelist = []; var $orig_path = ''; var $readsize = 0; function init($path){ $stream = parse_url($path); $this->credentials = array(rawurldecode($stream['user']), rawurldecode($stream['pass'])); $this->path = $stream['path']; $pathinfo = pathinfo($this->path); $this->filename = $pathinfo['basename']; //$dir = trim($pathinfo['dirname'], '/\\'); //$this->backup_loc = (empty($dir) ? "" : $pathinfo['dirname']); //php://memory not working on localhost //$this->tpfile = 'php://temp'; $_stream = $stream; unset($_stream['user']); unset($_stream['pass']); if($_stream['port'] == 80){ $_stream['scheme'] = 'http'; }else{ $_stream['scheme'] = 'https'; } $this->url = $this->soft_unparse_url($_stream); // Is this OwnCloud or Nextcloud ? if(strpos($this->url, 'remote.php/dav/files')){ $temp = explode('remote.php/dav/files', $this->url); $temp2 = explode('/', $temp[1]); // Can we form the chunk url ? if(!empty($temp[0]) && !empty($temp2[1])){ // This chunk upload folder (when created) will have a .file file which will help to merge the chunk files $this->chunk_url = $temp[0].'remote.php/dav/uploads/'.$temp2[1].'/'.md5($this->url); } } return $this->url; } function stream_open($path, $mode, $options, &$opened_path){ global $error; $this->init($path); $this->mode = $mode; $this->orig_path = $path; $ret = true; if(strpos($this->mode, 'r') !== FALSE){ $this->filesize = filesize($this->orig_path); if(empty($this->filesize)){ return false; } } if(preg_match('/w|a/is', $this->mode)){ $this->offset = 0; if(!empty($GLOBALS['start_pos'])){ $this->offset = $GLOBALS['start_pos']; } $tfp = fopen($this->tpfile, $this->mode); $ret = $this->upload_start($tfp); fclose($tfp); } return $ret; } function stream_read($count) { // Get the readsize if(empty($this->readsize)){ $this->readsize = filesize($this->orig_path); } $block = $this->__read($this->offset, ($this->offset + $count - 1)); $ret = substr($block, 0, $count); if(empty($ret)){ return false; } $this->offset = $this->offset + $count; return $ret; } function dir_opendir($path, $options){ $this->init($path); $headers = array('Depth: 1'); $resp = $this->request($this->url, $headers, 'PROPFIND'); if(!empty($resp['error'])){ $error[] = 'WebDav : '.$resp['error']; return false; } // Getting File paths from the XML response from <D:href> tag preg_match_all('/<(?:.*?):href>(.*?)<\/(?:.*?):href>/im', $resp['response'], $this->filelist); if(empty($this->filelist)){ $error[] = 'WebDav : No File Found'; return false; } $this->filelist = $this->filelist[1]; foreach($this->filelist as $i => $file) { $f_name = explode('/', $file); $f_name = end($f_name); $this->filelist[$i] = $f_name; if(empty($f_name)){ unset($this->filelist[$i]); } } return $this->filelist; } function dir_readdir(){ $key = key($this->filelist); if(is_null($key)){ return false; } $val = $this->filelist[$key]; unset($this->filelist[$key]); return pathinfo($val, PATHINFO_BASENAME); } function dir_closedir(){ // Do nothing } function upload_start($fp){ global $error, $backuply; $headers = array('Content-type: application/octet-stream'); /* Initiating the Upload again and again was causing the tar file to get damaged * as it was setting the file size to 0 everytime we initiate */ if(isset($GLOBALS['start_pos']) && $GLOBALS['start_pos'] != 0) { return true; } $resp = $this->request($this->url, $headers, 'PUT', $fp, 0); if(!in_array($resp['code'], array('201', '204'))){ return false; } return true; } function stream_write($data){ global $error; if(!is_resource($this->wp)){ $this->wp = fopen($this->tpfile, 'w+'); } //Initially store the data in a memory fwrite($this->wp, $data); $this->tmpsize += strlen($data); $data_size = strlen($data); // Are we already more than 2 MB ? if($this->tmpsize >= $this->chunk){ rewind($this->wp); //Call upload append function to write the data from PHP Memory stream $this->upload_append($this->wp, $this->tmpsize); // Close the temp file and reset the variables fclose($this->wp); $this->wp = NULL; $this->tmpsize = 0; } return $data_size; } function upload_append($filep, $data_size){ global $error, $backuply; $total_size = $this->offset + $data_size; $range_start = $this->offset; $range_end = $total_size - 1; //backuply_log('Upload Pos : '.$this->offset); // Do we need to create chunk files ? if(!empty($this->chunk_url)){ // cannot call $this->mkdir because it will overwrite $this->url by calling init $resp = $this->request($this->chunk_url, array(''), 'MKCOL'); $headers = array('Content-type: application/octet-stream'); $resp = $this->request($this->chunk_url.'/'.$this->chunk_counter, $headers, 'PUT', $filep, $data_size); }else{ $headers = array('Content-type: application/octet-stream', 'Content-Length: '.$data_size, 'Content-Range: bytes '.$range_start.'-'.$range_end.'/'.$total_size); $resp = $this->request($this->url, $headers, 'PUT', $filep, $data_size); } if(in_array($resp['code'], array('201', '204'))){ $this->offset += $data_size; $this->chunk_counter++; return $data_size; } return false; } function stream_close(){ global $error; if(preg_match('/w|a/is', $this->mode)){ // Is there still some data left to be written ? if($this->tmpsize > 0){ backuply_log('WEBDAV: Writing last part to the file'); rewind($this->wp); //Call upload append function to write the data from PHP Memory stream $data_size = $this->upload_append($this->wp, $this->tmpsize); // Close the temp file and reset the variables fclose($this->wp); $this->wp = NULL; $this->tmpsize = 0; } // If we have written chunk files merge the files if(!empty($this->chunk_url)){ // cannot call $this->rename because it will overwrite $this->url by calling init $headers = array('Destination: '.$this->url); $resp = $this->request($this->chunk_url.'/.file', $headers, 'MOVE'); // Maybe timeout. But we can wait if($resp['code'] == 504){ // Sometimes merge file can take time. Wait for the process to complete $max_time = time() + 60; do{ sleep(1); $headers = array('Depth: 0'); $resp = $this->request($this->chunk_url.'/.file', $headers, 'PROPFIND'); }while($resp['code'] == 207 && time() < $max_time); } } } return true; } function mkdir($path){ global $error; $this->init($path); $headers = array(''); $resp = $this->request($this->url, $headers, 'MKCOL'); if($resp['code'] == 201 || $resp['code'] == 405){ return true; } return false; } //In response to file_exists(), is_file(), is_dir() function url_stat($path){ global $error; $this->init($path); $headers = array('Depth: 0'); $resp = $this->request($this->url, $headers, 'PROPFIND'); if($resp['code'] != 207){ return false; } backuply_preg_replace('/<(.*?):creationdate>(.*?)<\/(.*?):creationdate>/is', $resp['response'], $creation_date, 2); backuply_preg_replace('/<(.*?):getlastmodified>(.*?)<\/(.*?):getlastmodified>/is', $resp['response'], $last_modified, 2); backuply_preg_replace('/<(.*?):getcontentlength>(.*?)<\/(.*?):getcontentlength>/is', $resp['response'], $size, 2); if(preg_match('/<D:getcontenttype>(.*?)directory(.*?)<\/D:getcontenttype>/is', $resp['response'])){ $mode = 0040000; //For DIR }else{ $mode = 0100000; //For File } if(!empty($resp['response'])){ $stat = array('dev' => 0, 'ino' => 0, 'mode' => $mode, 'nlink' => 0, 'uid' => 0, 'gid' => 0, 'rdev' => 0, 'size' => $size, 'atime' => strtotime($last_modified), 'mtime' => strtotime($last_modified), 'ctime' => strtotime($creation_date), 'blksize' => 0, 'blocks' => 0); $this->filesize = $stat['size']; return $stat; } return false; } function unlink($path){ global $error; $this->init($path); $headers = array(''); $resp = $this->request($this->url, $headers, 'DELETE'); if($resp['code'] == 204 || $resp['code'] == 404){ return true; } return false; } function rename($from, $to){ global $error; $dest_url = $this->init($to); $this->init($from); $headers = array('Destination: '.$dest_url); $resp = $this->request($this->url, $headers, 'MOVE'); if($resp['code'] == 201){ return true; } return false; } //Download Backup File from WebDAV to local server function download_file_loop($source, $dest, $startpos = 0){ global $error; $this->init($source); //Set chunk size for download as 1 MB $this->chunk = 1048576; $file_stats = $this->url_stat($source); $this->filesize = $file_stats['size']; $this->range_lower_limit = $startpos; $this->range_upper_limit = ($this->range_lower_limit + $this->chunk) - 1; $fp = fopen($dest, 'ab'); while(!$this->__eof()){ if(time() + 5 >= $GLOBALS['end']){ backuply_log('WebDAV Download: Short on time'); //$GLOBALS['l_readbytes'] = filesize($dest); break; } $block = $this->__read($this->range_lower_limit, $this->range_upper_limit); if(empty($block)){ $error[] = 'Unable to download file from WEBDAV'; return false; } fwrite($fp, $block); $this->offset = $this->range_upper_limit + 1; $this->range_lower_limit = $this->range_upper_limit + 1; $this->range_upper_limit = ($this->range_lower_limit + $this->chunk) - 1; $percentage = (filesize($dest) / $this->filesize) * 100; backuply_status_log('<div class="backuply-upload-progress"><span class="backuply-upload-progress-bar" style="width:'.round($percentage).'%;"></span><span class="backuply-upload-size">'.round($percentage).'%</span></div>', 'downloading', 22); } $GLOBALS['l_readbytes'] = filesize($dest); fclose($sfp); return true; } function __read($l_limit, $u_limit) { global $error; $headers = array('Range: bytes='.$l_limit.'-'.$u_limit); $resp = $this->request($this->url, $headers, 'GET'); if(!empty($resp['curl_error'])){ $error[] = $resp['error']; backuply_log('WebDAV read error : '. $resp['error']); } if($resp['code'] != 200 && $resp['code'] != 206){ $error[] = 'Something went Wrong while downloading the file from WebDAV!'; return false; } return $resp['response']; } function stream_eof(){ if($this->offset < $this->filesize){ return false; } return true; } function __eof(){ if($this->offset < $this->filesize){ return false; } return true; } function request($url, $headers = array(), $method = '', $filepointer = '', $upload_size = 0, $post = '', $download_file = '', $retry = 0){ $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FAILONERROR, false); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, false); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERPWD, implode(':', $this->credentials)); if(!empty($this->authtype)){ curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPAUTH, $this->authtype); } if(!empty($headers)){ curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers); } if(!empty($method)){ curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, $method); } if(!empty($filepointer)){ curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_PUT, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_INFILE, $filepointer); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_INFILESIZE, $upload_size); } if(!empty($download_file)){ curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FILE, $download_file); } $response = curl_exec($ch); $statusCode = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE); $curl_error = curl_error($ch); $curl_info = curl_getinfo($ch); curl_close($ch); // Some servers do not follow redirect so we need to make another call to the redirect URL if($statusCode == 301 && !empty($curl_info['redirect_url']) && empty($retry)){ return $this->request($curl_info['redirect_url'], $headers, $method, $filepointer, $upload_size, $post, $download_file, 1); } $result = array(); $result['response'] = $response; $result['code'] = $statusCode; $result['curl_error'] = $curl_error; $result['curl_info'] = $curl_info; return $result; } function soft_unparse_url($parsed_url){ $scheme = isset($parsed_url['scheme']) ? $parsed_url['scheme'] . '://' : ''; $host = isset($parsed_url['host']) ? $parsed_url['host'] : ''; $port = isset($parsed_url['port']) ? ':' . $parsed_url['port'] : ''; $user = isset($parsed_url['user']) ? $parsed_url['user'] : ''; $pass = isset($parsed_url['pass']) ? ':' . $parsed_url['pass'] : ''; $pass = ($user || $pass) ? $pass.'@' : ''; $path = isset($parsed_url['path']) ? $parsed_url['path'] : ''; $query = isset($parsed_url['query']) ? '?' . $parsed_url['query'] : ''; $fragment = isset($parsed_url['fragment']) ? '#' . $parsed_url['fragment'] : ''; return $scheme.$user.$pass.$host.$port.$path.$query.$fragment; } }