Current Path : /proc/self/root/opt/cpanel/ea-nodejs22/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/rimraf/dist/esm/ |
Current File : //proc/self/root/opt/cpanel/ea-nodejs22/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/rimraf/dist/esm/bin.mjs |
#!/opt/cpanel/ea-nodejs22/bin/node import { readFile } from 'fs/promises'; import { rimraf } from './index.js'; const pj = fileURLToPath(new URL('../package.json', import.meta.url)); const pjDist = fileURLToPath(new URL('../../package.json', import.meta.url)); const { version } = JSON.parse(await readFile(pjDist, 'utf8').catch(() => readFile(pj, 'utf8'))); const runHelpForUsage = () => console.error('run `rimraf --help` for usage information'); export const help = `rimraf version ${version} Usage: rimraf <path> [<path> ...] Deletes all files and folders at "path", recursively. Options: -- Treat all subsequent arguments as paths -h --help Display this usage info --preserve-root Do not remove '/' recursively (default) --no-preserve-root Do not treat '/' specially -G --no-glob Treat arguments as literal paths, not globs (default) -g --glob Treat arguments as glob patterns -v --verbose Be verbose when deleting files, showing them as they are removed. Not compatible with --impl=native -V --no-verbose Be silent when deleting files, showing nothing as they are removed (default) -i --interactive Ask for confirmation before deleting anything Not compatible with --impl=native -I --no-interactive Do not ask for confirmation before deleting --impl=<type> Specify the implementation to use: rimraf: choose the best option (default) native: the built-in implementation in Node.js manual: the platform-specific JS implementation posix: the Posix JS implementation windows: the Windows JS implementation (falls back to move-remove on ENOTEMPTY) move-remove: a slow reliable Windows fallback Implementation-specific options: --tmp=<path> Temp file folder for 'move-remove' implementation --max-retries=<n> maxRetries for 'native' and 'windows' implementations --retry-delay=<n> retryDelay for 'native' implementation, default 100 --backoff=<n> Exponential backoff factor for retries (default: 1.2) `; import { parse, relative, resolve } from 'path'; const cwd = process.cwd(); import { createInterface } from 'readline'; import { fileURLToPath } from 'url'; const prompt = async (rl, q) => new Promise(res => rl.question(q, res)); const interactiveRimraf = async (impl, paths, opt) => { const existingFilter = opt.filter || (() => true); let allRemaining = false; let noneRemaining = false; const queue = []; let processing = false; const processQueue = async () => { if (processing) return; processing = true; let next; while ((next = queue.shift())) { await next(); } processing = false; }; const oneAtATime = (fn) => async (s, e) => { const p = new Promise(res => { queue.push(async () => { const result = await fn(s, e); res(result); return result; }); }); processQueue(); return p; }; const rl = createInterface({ input: process.stdin, output: process.stdout, }); opt.filter = oneAtATime(async (path, ent) => { if (noneRemaining) { return false; } while (!allRemaining) { const a = (await prompt(rl, `rm? ${relative(cwd, path)}\n[(Yes)/No/All/Quit] > `)).trim(); if (/^n/i.test(a)) { return false; } else if (/^a/i.test(a)) { allRemaining = true; break; } else if (/^q/i.test(a)) { noneRemaining = true; return false; } else if (a === '' || /^y/i.test(a)) { break; } else { continue; } } return existingFilter(path, ent); }); await impl(paths, opt); rl.close(); }; const main = async (...args) => { const verboseFilter = (s) => { console.log(relative(cwd, s)); return true; }; if (process.env.__RIMRAF_TESTING_BIN_FAIL__ === '1') { throw new Error('simulated rimraf failure'); } const opt = {}; const paths = []; let dashdash = false; let impl = rimraf; let interactive = false; for (const arg of args) { if (dashdash) { paths.push(arg); continue; } if (arg === '--') { dashdash = true; continue; } else if (arg === '-rf' || arg === '-fr') { // this never did anything, but people put it there I guess continue; } else if (arg === '-h' || arg === '--help') { console.log(help); return 0; } else if (arg === '--interactive' || arg === '-i') { interactive = true; continue; } else if (arg === '--no-interactive' || arg === '-I') { interactive = false; continue; } else if (arg === '--verbose' || arg === '-v') { opt.filter = verboseFilter; continue; } else if (arg === '--no-verbose' || arg === '-V') { opt.filter = undefined; continue; } else if (arg === '-g' || arg === '--glob') { opt.glob = true; continue; } else if (arg === '-G' || arg === '--no-glob') { opt.glob = false; continue; } else if (arg === '--preserve-root') { opt.preserveRoot = true; continue; } else if (arg === '--no-preserve-root') { opt.preserveRoot = false; continue; } else if (/^--tmp=/.test(arg)) { const val = arg.substring('--tmp='.length); opt.tmp = val; continue; } else if (/^--max-retries=/.test(arg)) { const val = +arg.substring('--max-retries='.length); opt.maxRetries = val; continue; } else if (/^--retry-delay=/.test(arg)) { const val = +arg.substring('--retry-delay='.length); opt.retryDelay = val; continue; } else if (/^--backoff=/.test(arg)) { const val = +arg.substring('--backoff='.length); opt.backoff = val; continue; } else if (/^--impl=/.test(arg)) { const val = arg.substring('--impl='.length); switch (val) { case 'rimraf': impl = rimraf; continue; case 'native': case 'manual': case 'posix': case 'windows': impl = rimraf[val]; continue; case 'move-remove': impl = rimraf.moveRemove; continue; default: console.error(`unknown implementation: ${val}`); runHelpForUsage(); return 1; } } else if (/^-/.test(arg)) { console.error(`unknown option: ${arg}`); runHelpForUsage(); return 1; } else { paths.push(arg); } } if (opt.preserveRoot !== false) { for (const path of paths.map(p => resolve(p))) { if (path === parse(path).root) { console.error(`rimraf: it is dangerous to operate recursively on '/'`); console.error('use --no-preserve-root to override this failsafe'); return 1; } } } if (!paths.length) { console.error('rimraf: must provide a path to remove'); runHelpForUsage(); return 1; } if (impl === rimraf.native && (interactive || opt.filter)) { console.error('native implementation does not support -v or -i'); runHelpForUsage(); return 1; } if (interactive) { await interactiveRimraf(impl, paths, opt); } else { await impl(paths, opt); } return 0; }; main.help = help; export default main; if (process.env.__TESTING_RIMRAF_BIN__ !== '1') { const args = process.argv.slice(2); main(...args).then(code => process.exit(code), er => { console.error(er); process.exit(1); }); } //# sourceMappingURL=bin.mjs.map