Current Path : /home/innovagencyco/www/abtest.innovagency.co.za/wp-content/plugins/gosmtp-pro/main/mailer/ |
Current File : /home/innovagencyco/www/abtest.innovagency.co.za/wp-content/plugins/gosmtp-pro/main/mailer/zoho.php |
<?php /** * TODO: need to cleen code and properer arrange * Class GOSMTP_Mailer_Zoho. * * @since 1.0.0 */ namespace GOSMTP\Mailer; use GOSMTP\Mailer\Loader; class Zoho extends Loader{ var $title = 'Zoho'; var $mailer = 'zoho'; var $scope = 'VirtualOffice.messages.CREATE,VirtualOffice.accounts.READ'; var $send_code = 200; var $api_url = ''; var $oauth_url = ''; var $body = []; var $lang = []; private $allowed_exts = array('xlsx', 'xls', 'ods', 'docx', 'docm', 'doc', 'csv', 'pdf', 'txt', 'gif', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'png', 'tif', 'tiff', 'rtf', 'bmp', 'cgm', 'css', 'shtml', 'html', 'htm', 'zip', 'xml', 'ppt', 'pptx', 'tar', 'ez', 'ics', 'mobi', 'msg', 'pub', 'eps', 'odt', 'mp3', 'm4a', 'm4v', 'wma', 'ogg', 'flac', 'wav', 'aif', 'aifc', 'aiff', 'mp4', 'mov', 'avi', 'mkv', 'mpeg', 'mpg', 'wmv'); public function getLang($str = ''){ $this->lang = array( 'OK' => __('Mailer successfully configured!'), 'unauthorized_client' => __('OAuth Client is Invalid'), 'invalid_client' => __('Invalid Client ID (or) client Credentials did not match.'), 'invalid_code' => __('Code Expired (or) Invalid Refresh Token.'), 'invalid_redirect_uri' => __('Invalid Redirect Url configured'), 'invalid_client_secret' => __('Client Secret did not match.'), 'INVALID_TICKET' => __('Invalid Client Secret'), 'INVALID_OAUTHTOKEN' => __('Authtoken invalidated'), 'access_denied' => __('Multiple requests failed with same Refresh Token.'), 'general_error' => __('Something went wrong'), 'remote_token_error' => __('Error when getting the remote token.'), 'no_user' => __('No User present.'), 'token_limit_reached' => __('Refresh token limit reached.'), 'refresh_token_limit_reached' => __('The limit for refresh token reached.'), 'access_token_limit_reached' => __('The limit for access token reached.'), 'invalid_client_type' => __('Invalid client type'), 'invalid_authtoken' => __('Authtoken invalidated'), 'invalid_operation_type' => __('The scope has an invalid operation.'), 'URL_RULE_NOT_CONFIGURED' => __('Please configure zoho api.'), 'invalid_from' => __('Your zoho account does not match with the from mail.'), ); if(!isset($this->lang[$str])){ return $str; } return $this->lang[$str]; } public function getRedirectUrl($query = ''){ // TODO check and change this return admin_url().'admin.php?page=gosmtp'.$query; } public function send(){ global $phpmailer; $phpmailer->isMail(); $this->setConfig(); if($phpmailer->preSend()){ return $this->handle_response( $this->postSend() ); } return $this->handle_response(new \WP_Error(400, 'Unable to send mail for some reason!', [])); } public function setConfig(){ $domain_name = $this->getOption('domain_name', $this->mailer, 'com'); $this->api_url = 'https://mail.zoho.'.$domain_name.'/api/accounts'; $this->oauth_url = 'https://accounts.zoho.'.$domain_name.'/oauth/v2/'; } public function postSend(){ global $phpmailer; $options = $this->getMailerOption(); $options['access_token'] = $this->getAccessToken($options); $this->body['fromAddress'] = $phpmailer->FromName.'<'.$phpmailer->From.'>'; $this->body['subject'] = $phpmailer->Subject; $this->set_content($phpmailer->Body); $this->set_recipients( array( 'toAddress' => $phpmailer->getToAddresses(), 'ccAddress' => $phpmailer->getCcAddresses(), 'bccAddress' => $phpmailer->getBccAddresses(), 'replyTo' => $phpmailer->getReplyToAddresses() ) ); $attachments = $phpmailer->getAttachments(); if(!empty($attachments)){ $this->set_attachments($attachments); } $headers = [ 'Authorization' => 'Zoho-oauthtoken '.$options['access_token'], 'Content-Type' => 'application/json' ]; $params = array( 'headers' => $headers, 'body' => wp_json_encode($this->body) ); $accId = !empty($options['account_id']) ? $options['account_id'] : ''; $url = $this->api_url.'/'.$accId.'/messages'; // print_r(json_encode($this->body, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT)); $response = wp_safe_remote_post($url, $params); if(is_wp_error($response)){ $return_response = new \WP_Error($response->get_error_code(), $response->get_error_message(), $response->get_error_messages()); }else{ $resp_body = wp_remote_retrieve_body($response); $resp_code = wp_remote_retrieve_response_code($response); $isOk = $resp_code == $this->send_code; $resp_body = \json_decode($resp_body, true); if($isOk) { $msgId = isset( $resp_body['data']['messageId'] ) ? $resp_body['data']['messageId'] : ''; $status = isset($resp_body['status']['description']) ? $resp_body['status']['description'] : ''; $return_response = [ 'status' => true, 'code' => $resp_code, 'messageId' => $msgId, 'message' => $status ]; }else{ $msg = ($resp_code == 500 ) ? $resp_body['data']['moreInfo'] : $this->getLang($resp_body['data']['errorCode']); $return_response = new \WP_Error($resp_code, $msg , $resp_body); } } return $return_response; } public function set_content( $content ){ global $phpmailer; if( empty( $content ) ){ return; } if( is_array( $content ) ){ if( ! empty( $content['text'] ) ){ $this->body['mailFormat'] = 'plaintext'; } if( ! empty( $content['html'] ) ){ $this->body['mailFormat'] = 'html'; } $this->body['content'] = $content['text']; }else{ if( $phpmailer->ContentType === 'text/plain' ){ $this->body['mailFormat'] = 'plaintext'; }else{ $this->body['mailFormat'] = 'html'; } } $this->body['content'] = $content; } public function set_recipients( $recipients ) { global $phpmailer; if( empty( $recipients ) ){ return; } foreach( $recipients as $type => $emails ){ $tmp = ''; foreach( $emails as $key => $email ){ $tmp .= $type == 'replyTo' ? '<'.$email[0].'>' : ( empty($email[1]) ? $email[0] : $email[1].'<'.$email[0].'>' ); if( ( count($emails) - 1 ) != $key ){ $tmp .= ','; } } if(empty($tmp)){ continue; } $this->body[$type] = $tmp; } } public function set_attachments( $attachments = []){ $attachment_data = []; $count = 0; $ext = ''; foreach($attachments as $attachment){ if(!is_file($attachment[0]) || !is_readable($attachment[0])){ continue; } if(!empty($attachment[4])){ $ext = explode("/",$attachment[4])[1]; } $header = array( 'Authorization' => 'Zoho-oauthtoken '. $this->getOption('access_token', $this->mailer), 'Content-Type' => 'application/octet-stream' ); if(in_array($ext, $this->allowed_exts, true)){ $file_name = $attachment[2]; $content = file_get_contents($attachment[0]); $options = $this->getMailerOption(); $url = $this->api_url.'/'.$options['account_id'].'/messages/attachments'.'?fileName='.$file_name; $args = array( 'body' => $content, 'headers' => $header, 'method' => 'POST' ); $response = wp_remote_post($url, $args); $response_body = wp_remote_retrieve_body($response); $http_code = wp_remote_retrieve_response_code($response); $response_ = json_decode($response_body, true); if( isset($response_['data']['errorCode']) ){ $error = $response_['data']['errorCode']; } $attachments_ = array(); if($http_code == '200') { $attachments_['storeName'] = $response_['data']['storeName']; $attachments_['attachmentPath'] = $response_['data']['attachmentPath']; $attachments_['attachmentName'] = $response_['data']['attachmentName']; $attachment_data[$count] = $attachments_; $count = $count + 1; } } } if( count($attachment_data) > 0 ){ $this->body['attachments'] = $attachment_data; } } private function is_authorized(){ $options = $this->getMailerOption(); if(empty($options['refresh_token']) || empty($options['access_token']) || empty($options['account_id'])){ return false; } return true; } public function authentication_process(){ global $phpmailer; $options = $this->getMailerOption(); $response = $this->generate_tokens($options); if( !isset($response['access_token']) || !isset($response['refresh_token']) ){ return $response; } $access_token = $response['access_token']; $refresh_token = $response['refresh_token']; if( empty($options['account_id']) ){ $response = $this->zoho_account_id($access_token); if(!$response != true){ return $response; } } $this->delete_option('auth_code', $this->mailer); return 'OK'; } private function get_authcode_link($options){ $state = wp_create_nonce('redirect_url').($this->conn_id === 0 ? '' : '-'.$this->conn_id); $auth_url = $this->oauth_url ."auth?response_type=code&client_id=". $options['client_id'] ."&scope=". $this->scope ."&redirect_uri=".urlencode($this->getRedirectUrl('&auth=zoho'))."&prompt=consent&access_type=offline&state=". $state; return $auth_url; } public function generate_tokens($options){ $state = wp_create_nonce('redirect_url').($this->conn_id === 0 ? '' : '-'.$this->conn_id); $url = $this->oauth_url ."token?code=". $options['auth_code'] ."&client_id=". $options['client_id'] ."&client_secret=". $options['client_secret'] ."&redirect_uri=".urlencode($this->getRedirectUrl('&auth=zoho'))."&scope=".$this->scope."&grant_type=authorization_code&state=".$state; $response = wp_remote_retrieve_body(wp_remote_post( $url)); $response = json_decode($response, true); if(isset($response['error'])){ if($response['error'] == 'invalid_code'){ $this->delete_option('auth_code', $this->mailer); } return $response['error']; } $access_token = $response['access_token']; $refresh_token = $response['refresh_token']; $this->update_option('access_token', $access_token , $this->mailer); $this->update_option('refresh_token', $refresh_token, $this->mailer); return array( 'access_token' => $access_token, 'refresh_token' => $refresh_token ); } public function zoho_account_id($access_token = ''){ $from_email = $this->conn_id === 0 ? $this->getOption('from_email') : $this->getOption('from_email', $this->mailer,''); $accId = $this->getOption('account_id', $this->mailer, ''); if(!empty($accId)){ return; } $args = [ 'headers' => [ 'Authorization' => 'Zoho-oauthtoken '.$access_token ] ]; $response = wp_remote_retrieve_body(wp_remote_get( $this->api_url, $args)); $response = json_decode($response, true); if(empty($response)){ return 'general_error'; } if( isset($response['data']['errorCode']) ){ return $response['data']['errorCode']; } for($i=0; $i<count($response['data']); $i++){ for($j=0; $j<count($response['data'][$i]['sendMailDetails']); $j++) { if(strcmp($response['data'][$i]['sendMailDetails'][$j]['fromAddress'], $from_email) == 0){ $this->update_option('account_id', $response['data'][0]['accountId'], $this->mailer); }else{ return 'invalid_from'; } } } } public function getAccessToken( $options ){ $setup_time = $options['setup_timestamp']; $access_token = $options['access_token']; if(empty($setup_time) || time() - $setup_time > 3000){ $this->update_option('setup_timestamp', time(), $this->mailer); $url = $this->oauth_url.'token?refresh_token='.$options['refresh_token'].'&grant_type=refresh_token&client_id='.$options['client_id'].'&client_secret='.$options['client_secret'].'&redirect_uri='.urlencode($this->getRedirectUrl('&auth=zoho')).'&scope='.$this->scope; $response = wp_remote_retrieve_body( wp_remote_post( $url ) ); $response = json_decode($response); $access_token = $response->access_token; $this->update_option('access_token', $access_token, $this->mailer); } return $access_token; } public function load_field(){ $fields = array(); $options = $this->getMailerOption(); $client_id = $this->getOption('client_id', $this->mailer); $client_secret = $this->getOption('client_secret', $this->mailer); $opt_text = __('You need to save settings with Client ID and Client Secret before you can proceed.'); $opt_type = 'notice'; $opt_url = ''; $readonly = ''; $this->zoho_init(); $_button = ''; if(!empty($client_id) && !empty($client_secret) ){ $opt_type = $_button = 'button'; if(!$this->is_authorized()){ $opt_url = $this->get_authcode_link($options); $opt_text = __('Authorize Zoho Account'); }else{ $query = '&zoho-deactivate=1'; if(!is_numeric($this->conn_id)){ $query = '&type=edit&conn_id='.$this->conn_id.$query.'#gosmtp-connections-settings'; } $readonly = 'readonly=""'; $opt_url = $this->getRedirectUrl($query); $opt_text = 'Deactivate Access Token'; } } $fields = array( 'domain_name' => array( 'title' => __('Select domain name'), 'type' => 'select', 'list' => array( 'com' => '.com', 'eu' => '.eu', 'in' => '.in', 'com.cn' => '.com.cn', 'com.au' => '.com.au', 'jp' => '.jp', ), 'desc' => __( 'The name of the region the account is configured' ), ), 'client_id' => array( 'title' => __('Client Id'), 'type' => 'text', 'class'=>'zoho_client_id', 'desc' => __( 'Created in the developer console' ), 'attr' => $readonly ), 'client_secret' => array( 'title' => __('Client Secret'), 'type' => 'password', 'class'=>'zoho_client_secret', 'desc' => __( 'Created in the developer console' ), 'attr' => $readonly ), 'redirect_uri' => array( 'title' => __('Authorization Redirect URI'), 'type' => 'copy', 'id' => 'zoho_redirect_uri', 'attr' =>'readonly=""', 'default' => $this->getRedirectUrl('&auth=zoho'), 'desc' => __( 'Copy this URL into Redirect URI field of your Client Id creation' ), ), 'authorize' => array( 'title' => __('Authorize'), 'type' => $opt_type, 'default' => $opt_text, 'href' => $opt_url, 'class' => 'auth_class gosmtp-auto-width '.$_button, 'attr' => 'data-field=auth' ) ); return $fields; } public function zoho_deregister(){ if(!empty(gosmtp_optget('conn_id')) && $this->conn_id === 0){ return; } $this->delete_option('access_token', $this->mailer); $this->delete_option('refresh_token', $this->mailer); $this->delete_option('auth_code', $this->mailer); $this->delete_option('account_id', $this->mailer); $this->delete_option('setup_timestamp', $this->mailer); $query = ''; if(!is_numeric($this->conn_id)){ $query = '&type=edit&conn_id='.$this->conn_id.$query.'#gosmtp-connections-settings'; } if(isset($_GET['conn_id'])){ echo '<script> var url = "'.$this->getRedirectUrl($query).'"; history.pushState({urlPath:url},"",url); </script>'; } } public function zoho_init(){ $this->setConfig(); if(isset( $_GET['zoho-deactivate'] )){ $this->zoho_deregister(); return; } if( !$this->is_authorized() && isset( $_GET['auth_code'] ) && isset( $_GET['auth'] ) && $this->mailer == $_GET['auth'] && strlen($this->conn_id) > 0){ if( !empty(gosmtp_optget('conn_id')) && $this->conn_id === 0 ){ return; } // TODO sanitize $_GET['code'] $this->update_option('auth_code', gosmtp_optget('auth_code'), $this->mailer); $response = $this->authentication_process(); // var_dump($response); if( $response ){ $msg = is_array($this->getLang($response)) ? $this->getLang('general_error') : $this->getLang($response); } $query = ''; if(!is_numeric($this->conn_id)){ $query = '&type=edit&conn_id='.$this->conn_id.$query.'#gosmtp-connections-settings'; } echo '<script> alert("'.$msg.'") var url = "'.$this->getRedirectUrl($query).'"; history.pushState({urlPath:url},"",url); </script>'; } } }