Current Path : /home/innovagencyco/www/statxpress/wp-content/plugins/wpforms-lite/assets/js/ |
Current File : /home/innovagencyco/www/statxpress/wp-content/plugins/wpforms-lite/assets/js/admin-utils.js |
/* global wpforms_builder */ ; var wpf = { cachedFields: {}, savedState: false, initialSave: true, orders: { fields: [], choices: {} }, // This file contains a collection of utility functions. /** * Start the engine. * * @since 1.0.1 */ init: function() { wpf.bindUIActions(); // Init Radio Group for Checkboxes. wpf.initRadioGroupForCheckboxes(); jQuery( wpf.ready ); }, /** * Document ready. * * @since 1.0.1 */ ready: function() { // Load initial form saved state. wpf.savedState = wpf.getFormState( '#wpforms-builder-form' ); // Save field and choice order for sorting later. wpf.setFieldOrders(); wpf.setChoicesOrders(); }, /** * Element bindings. * * @since 1.0.1 */ bindUIActions: function() { // The following items should all trigger the fieldUpdate trigger. jQuery( document ).on( 'wpformsFieldAdd', wpf.setFieldOrders ); jQuery( document ).on( 'wpformsFieldDelete', wpf.setFieldOrders ); jQuery( document ).on( 'wpformsFieldMove', wpf.setFieldOrders ); jQuery( document ).on( 'wpformsFieldAdd', wpf.setChoicesOrders ); jQuery( document ).on( 'wpformsFieldChoiceAdd', wpf.setChoicesOrders ); jQuery( document ).on( 'wpformsFieldChoiceDelete', wpf.setChoicesOrders ); jQuery( document ).on( 'wpformsFieldChoiceMove', wpf.setChoicesOrders ); jQuery( document ).on( 'wpformsFieldAdd', wpf.fieldUpdate ); jQuery( document ).on( 'wpformsFieldDelete', wpf.fieldUpdate ); jQuery( document ).on( 'wpformsFieldMove', wpf.fieldUpdate ); jQuery( document ).on( 'focusout', '.wpforms-field-option-row-label input', wpf.fieldUpdate ); jQuery( document ).on( 'wpformsFieldChoiceAdd', wpf.fieldUpdate ); jQuery( document ).on( 'wpformsFieldChoiceDelete', wpf.fieldUpdate ); jQuery( document ).on( 'wpformsFieldChoiceMove', wpf.fieldUpdate ); jQuery( document ).on( 'wpformsFieldDynamicChoiceToggle', wpf.fieldUpdate ); jQuery( document ).on( 'focusout', '.wpforms-field-option-row-choices input.label', wpf.fieldUpdate ); }, /** * Store the order of the fields. * * @since 1.4.5 */ setFieldOrders: function() { wpf.orders.fields = []; jQuery( '.wpforms-field-option' ).each(function() { wpf.orders.fields.push( jQuery( this ).data( 'field-id' ) ); }); }, /** * Store the order of the choices for each field. * * @since 1.4.5 */ setChoicesOrders: function() { wpf.orders.choices = {}; jQuery( '.choices-list' ).each(function() { var fieldID = jQuery( this ).data( 'field-id' ); wpf.orders.choices[ 'field_'+ fieldID ] = []; jQuery( this ).find( 'li' ).each( function() { wpf.orders.choices[ 'field_' + fieldID ].push( jQuery( this ).data( 'key' ) ); }); }); }, /** * Return the order of choices for a specific field. * * @since 1.4.5 * * @param int id Field ID. * * @return array */ getChoicesOrder: function( id ) { var choices = []; jQuery( '#wpforms-field-option-'+id ).find( '.choices-list li' ).each( function() { choices.push( jQuery( this ).data( 'key' ) ); }); return choices; }, /** * Trigger fired for all field update related actions. * * @since 1.0.1 */ fieldUpdate: function() { var fields = wpf.getFields(); jQuery( document ).trigger( 'wpformsFieldUpdate', [ fields ] ); wpf.debug( 'fieldUpdate triggered' ); }, /** * Dynamically get the fields from the current form state. * * @since 1.0.1 * @param array allowedFields * @param bool useCache * @return object */ getFields: function( allowedFields, useCache ) { useCache = useCache || false; if ( useCache && ! jQuery.isEmptyObject(wpf.cachedFields) ) { // Use cache if told and cache is primed. var fields = jQuery.extend({}, wpf.cachedFields); wpf.debug('getFields triggered (cached)'); } else { // Normal processing, get fields from builder and prime cache. var formData = wpf.formObject( '#wpforms-field-options' ), fields = formData.fields, fieldBlacklist = [ 'entry-preview', 'html', 'pagebreak' ]; if (!fields) { return false; } for( var key in fields) { if ( ! fields[key].type || jQuery.inArray(fields[key].type, fieldBlacklist) > -1 ){ delete fields[key]; } } // Cache the all the fields now that they have been ordered and initially // processed. wpf.cachedFields = jQuery.extend({}, fields); wpf.debug('getFields triggered'); } // If we should only return specfic field types, remove the others. if ( allowedFields && allowedFields.constructor === Array ) { for( var key in fields) { if ( jQuery.inArray( fields[key].type, allowedFields ) === -1 ){ delete fields[key]; } } } return fields; }, /** * Get field settings object. * * @since 1.4.5 * * @param int id Field ID. * * @return object */ getField: function( id ) { var field = wpf.formObject( '#wpforms-field-option-'+id ); return field.fields[ Object.keys( field.fields )[0] ]; }, /** * Toggle the loading state/indicator of a field option. * * @since 1.2.8 * * @param {mixed} option jQuery object, or DOM element selector. * @param {boolean} unload True if you need to unload spinner, and vice versa. */ fieldOptionLoading: function( option, unload ) { var $option = jQuery( option ), $label = $option.find( 'label' ), spinner = '<i class="wpforms-loading-spinner wpforms-loading-inline"></i>'; unload = typeof unload !== 'undefined'; if ( unload ) { $label.find( '.wpforms-loading-spinner' ).remove(); $label.find( '.wpforms-help-tooltip' ).show(); $option.find( 'input,select,textarea' ).prop( 'disabled', false ); } else { $label.append( spinner ); $label.find( '.wpforms-help-tooltip' ).hide(); $option.find( 'input,select,textarea' ).prop( 'disabled', true ); } }, /** * Get form state. * * @since 1.3.8 * @param object el */ getFormState: function( el ) { // Serialize tested the most performant string we can use for // comparisons. return jQuery( el ).serialize(); }, /** * Remove items from an array. * * @since 1.0.1 * @param array array * @param mixed item index/key * @return array */ removeArrayItem: function(array, item) { var removeCounter = 0; for (var index = 0; index < array.length; index++) { if (array[index] === item) { array.splice(index, 1); removeCounter++; index--; } } return removeCounter; }, /** * Sanitize string. * * @since 1.0.1 * @deprecated 1.2.8 * * @param {string} str String to sanitize. * * @returns {string} String after sanitization. */ sanitizeString: function( str ) { if ( typeof str === 'string' || str instanceof String ) { return str.trim(); } return str; }, /** * Update query string in URL. * * @since 1.0.0 */ updateQueryString: function(key, value, url) { if (!url) url = window.location.href; var re = new RegExp("([?&])" + key + "=.*?(&|#|$)(.*)", "gi"), hash; if (re.test(url)) { if (typeof value !== 'undefined' && value !== null) return url.replace(re, '$1' + key + "=" + value + '$2$3'); else { hash = url.split('#'); url = hash[0].replace(re, '$1$3').replace(/(&|\?)$/, ''); if (typeof hash[1] !== 'undefined' && hash[1] !== null) url += '#' + hash[1]; return url; } } else { if (typeof value !== 'undefined' && value !== null) { var separator = url.indexOf('?') !== -1 ? '&' : '?'; hash = url.split('#'); url = hash[0] + separator + key + '=' + value; if (typeof hash[1] !== 'undefined' && hash[1] !== null) url += '#' + hash[1]; return url; } else return url; } }, /** * Get query string in a URL. * * @since 1.0.0 */ getQueryString: function(name) { var match = new RegExp('[?&]' + name + '=([^&]*)').exec(window.location.search); return match && decodeURIComponent(match[1].replace(/\+/g, ' ')); }, /** * Remove defined query parameter in the current URL. * * @see https://gist.github.com/simonw/9445b8c24ddfcbb856ec#gistcomment-3117674 * * @since 1.5.8 * * @param {string} name The name of the parameter to be removed. */ removeQueryParam: function( name ) { if ( wpf.getQueryString( name ) ) { var replace = '[\\?&]' + name + '=[^&]+', re = new RegExp( replace ); history.replaceState && history.replaceState( null, '', location.pathname + location.search.replace( re, '' ).replace( /^&/, '?' ) + location.hash ); } }, /** * Is number? * * @since 1.2.3 * * @param {number|string} n Number to check. * * @returns {boolean} Whether this is a number. */ isNumber: function( n ) { return ! isNaN( parseFloat( n ) ) && isFinite( n ); }, /** * Sanitize amount and convert to standard format for calculations. * * @since 1.2.6 * * @param {string} amount Price amount to sanitize. * * @returns {string} Sanitized amount. */ amountSanitize: function( amount ) { // Convert to string and allow only numbers, dots and commas. amount = String( amount ).replace( /[^0-9.,]/g, '' ); if ( wpforms_builder.currency_decimal === ',' ) { if ( wpforms_builder.currency_thousands === '.' && amount.indexOf( wpforms_builder.currency_thousands ) !== -1 ) { amount = amount.replace( new RegExp( '\\' + wpforms_builder.currency_thousands, 'g' ), '' ); } else if ( wpforms_builder.currency_thousands === '' && amount.indexOf( '.' ) !== -1 ) { amount = amount.replace( /\./g, '' ); } amount = amount.replace( wpforms_builder.currency_decimal, '.' ); } else if ( wpforms_builder.currency_thousands === ',' && ( amount.indexOf( wpforms_builder.currency_thousands ) !== -1 ) ) { amount = amount.replace( new RegExp( '\\' + wpforms_builder.currency_thousands, 'g' ), '' ); } return wpf.numberFormat( amount, wpforms_builder.currency_decimals, '.', '' ); }, /** * Format amount. * * @since 1.2.6 * * @param {string} amount Price amount to format. * * @returns {string} Formatted amount. */ amountFormat: function( amount ) { amount = String( amount ); // Format the amount if ( wpforms_builder.currency_decimal === ',' && ( amount.indexOf( wpforms_builder.currency_decimal ) !== -1 ) ) { var sepFound = amount.indexOf( wpforms_builder.currency_decimal ); amount = amount.substr( 0, sepFound ) + '.' + amount.substr( sepFound + 1, amount.length - 1 ); } // Strip , from the amount (if set as the thousands separator) if ( wpforms_builder.currency_thousands === ',' && ( amount.indexOf( wpforms_builder.currency_thousands ) !== -1 ) ) { amount = amount.replace( /,/g, '' ); } if ( wpf.empty( amount ) ) { amount = 0; } return wpf.numberFormat( amount, wpforms_builder.currency_decimals, wpforms_builder.currency_decimal, wpforms_builder.currency_thousands ); }, /** * Format amount with currency symbol. * * @since 1.6.2 * * @param {string} amount Amount to format. * * @returns {string} Formatted amount (for instance $ 128.00). */ amountFormatCurrency: function( amount ) { var sanitized = wpf.amountSanitize( amount ), formatted = wpf.amountFormat( sanitized ), result; if ( wpforms_builder.currency_symbol_pos === 'right' ) { result = formatted + ' ' + wpforms_builder.currency_symbol; } else { result = wpforms_builder.currency_symbol + ' ' + formatted; } return result; }, /** * Format number. * * @see http://locutus.io/php/number_format/ * * @since 1.2.6 * * @param {string} number Number to format. * @param {number} decimals How many decimals should be there. * @param {string} decimalSep What is the decimal separator. * @param {string} thousandsSep What is the thousands separator. * * @returns {string} Formatted number. */ numberFormat: function( number, decimals, decimalSep, thousandsSep ) { number = ( number + '' ).replace( /[^0-9+\-Ee.]/g, '' ); var n = ! isFinite( +number ) ? 0 : +number; var prec = ! isFinite( +decimals ) ? 0 : Math.abs( decimals ); var sep = ( typeof thousandsSep === 'undefined' ) ? ',' : thousandsSep; var dec = ( typeof decimalSep === 'undefined' ) ? '.' : decimalSep; var s = ''; var toFixedFix = function( n, prec ) { var k = Math.pow( 10, prec ); return '' + ( Math.round( n * k ) / k ).toFixed( prec ); }; // @todo: for IE parseFloat(0.55).toFixed(0) = 0; s = ( prec ? toFixedFix( n, prec ) : '' + Math.round( n ) ).split( '.' ); if ( s[ 0 ].length > 3 ) { s[ 0 ] = s[ 0 ].replace( /\B(?=(?:\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, sep ); } if ( ( s[ 1 ] || '' ).length < prec ) { s[ 1 ] = s[ 1 ] || ''; s[ 1 ] += new Array( prec - s[ 1 ].length + 1 ).join( '0' ); } return s.join( dec ); }, /** * Empty check similar to PHP. * * @link http://locutus.io/php/empty/ * @since 1.2.6 */ empty: function(mixedVar) { var undef; var key; var i; var len; var emptyValues = [undef, null, false, 0, '', '0']; for ( i = 0, len = emptyValues.length; i < len; i++ ) { if (mixedVar === emptyValues[i]) { return true; } } if ( typeof mixedVar === 'object' ) { for ( key in mixedVar ) { if ( mixedVar.hasOwnProperty( key ) ) { return false; } } return true; } return false; }, /** * Debug output helper. * * @since 1.3.8 * @param msg */ debug: function( msg ) { if ( wpf.isDebug() ) { if ( typeof msg === 'object' || msg.constructor === Array ) { console.log( 'WPForms Debug:' ); console.log( msg ) } else { console.log( 'WPForms Debug: '+msg ); } } }, /** * Is debug mode. * * @since 1.3.8 */ isDebug: function() { return ( ( window.location.hash && '#wpformsdebug' === window.location.hash ) || wpforms_builder.debug ); }, /** * Focus the input/textarea and put the caret at the end of the text. * * @since 1.4.1 */ focusCaretToEnd: function( el ) { el.focus(); var $thisVal = el.val(); el.val('').val($thisVal); }, /** * Creates a object from form elements. * * @since 1.4.5 */ formObject: function( el ) { var form = jQuery( el ), fields = form.find( '[name]' ), json = {}, arraynames = {}; for ( var v = 0; v < fields.length; v++ ){ var field = jQuery( fields[v] ), name = field.prop( 'name' ).replace( /\]/gi,'' ).split( '[' ), value = field.val(), lineconf = {}; if ( ( field.is( ':radio' ) || field.is( ':checkbox' ) ) && ! field.is( ':checked' ) ) { continue; } for ( var i = name.length-1; i >= 0; i-- ) { var nestname = name[i]; if ( typeof nestname === 'undefined' ) { nestname = ''; } if ( nestname.length === 0 ){ lineconf = []; if ( typeof arraynames[name[i-1]] === 'undefined' ) { arraynames[name[i-1]] = 0; } else { arraynames[name[i-1]] += 1; } nestname = arraynames[name[i-1]]; } if ( i === name.length-1 ){ if ( value ) { if ( value === 'true' ) { value = true; } else if ( value === 'false' ) { value = false; }else if ( ! isNaN( parseFloat( value ) ) && parseFloat( value ).toString() === value ) { value = parseFloat( value ); } else if ( typeof value === 'string' && ( value.substr( 0,1 ) === '{' || value.substr( 0,1 ) === '[' ) ) { try { value = JSON.parse( value ); } catch (e) {} } else if ( typeof value === 'object' && value.length && field.is( 'select' ) ){ var new_val = {}; for ( var i = 0; i < value.length; i++ ){ new_val[ 'n' + i ] = value[ i ]; } value = new_val; } } lineconf[nestname] = value; } else { var newobj = lineconf; lineconf = {}; lineconf[nestname] = newobj; } } jQuery.extend( true, json, lineconf ); } return json; }, /** * Initialize WPForms admin area tooltips. * * @since 1.4.8 */ initTooltips: function() { if ( typeof jQuery.fn.tooltipster === 'undefined' ) { return; } jQuery( '.wpforms-help-tooltip' ).tooltipster( { contentAsHTML: true, position: 'right', maxWidth: 300, multiple: true, interactive: true, debug: false, IEmin: 11, } ); }, /** * Restore WPForms admin area tooltip's title. * * @since 1.6.5 * * @param {mixed} $scope Searching scope. */ restoreTooltips: function( $scope ) { $scope = typeof $scope !== 'undefined' && $scope && $scope.length > 0 ? $scope.find( '.wpforms-help-tooltip' ) : jQuery( '.wpforms-help-tooltip' ); $scope.each( function() { var $this = jQuery( this ); if ( jQuery.tooltipster.instances( this ).length !== 0 ) { // Restoring title. $this.attr( 'title', $this.tooltipster( 'content' ) ); } } ); }, /** * Validate a URL. * source: `https://github.com/segmentio/is-url/blob/master/index.js` * * @since 1.5.8 * * @param {string} url URL for checking. * * @returns {boolean} True if `url` is a valid URL. */ isURL: function( url ) { /** * RegExps. * A URL must match #1 and then at least one of #2/#3. * Use two levels of REs to avoid REDOS. */ var protocolAndDomainRE = /^(?:http(?:s?):)?\/\/(\S+)/; var localhostDomainRE = /^localhost[\:?\d]*(?:[^\:?\d]\S*)?$/; var nonLocalhostDomainRE = /^[^\s\.]+\.\S{2,}$/; if ( typeof url !== 'string' ) { return false; } var match = url.match( protocolAndDomainRE ); if ( ! match ) { return false; } var everythingAfterProtocol = match[1]; if ( ! everythingAfterProtocol ) { return false; } if ( localhostDomainRE.test( everythingAfterProtocol ) || nonLocalhostDomainRE.test( everythingAfterProtocol ) ) { return true; } return false; }, /** * Sanitize HTML. * Uses: `https://github.com/cure53/DOMPurify` * * @since 1.5.9 * * @param {string} string HTML to sanitize. * * @returns {string} Sanitized HTML. */ sanitizeHTML: function( string ) { var purify = window.DOMPurify; if ( typeof purify === 'undefined' ) { return string; } if ( typeof string !== 'string' ) { string = string.toString(); } return purify.sanitize( string ); }, /** * Encode HTML entities. * Uses: `https://stackoverflow.com/a/18750001/9745718` * * @since 1.6.3 * * @param {string} string HTML to sanitize. * * @returns {string} String with encoded HTML entities. */ encodeHTMLEntities: function( string ) { if ( typeof string !== 'string' ) { string = string.toString(); } return string.replace( /[\u00A0-\u9999<>&]/gim, function( i ) { return '&#' + i.charCodeAt( 0 ) + ';'; } ); }, /** * Radio Group for Checkboxes. * * @since 1.6.6 */ initRadioGroupForCheckboxes: function() { var $ = jQuery; $( document ).on( 'change', 'input[type="checkbox"].wpforms-radio-group', function() { var $input = $( this ), inputId = $input.attr( 'id' ); if ( ! $input.prop( 'checked' ) ) { return; } var groupName = $input.data( 'radio-group' ), $group = $( '.wpforms-radio-group-' + groupName ), $item; $group.each( function() { $item = $( this ); if ( $item.attr( 'id' ) !== inputId ) { $item.prop( 'checked', false ); } } ); } ); }, /** * Pluck a certain field out of each object in a list. * * JS implementation of the `wp_list_pluck()`. * * @since 1.6.8 * * @param {Array} arr Array of objects. * @param {string} column Column. * * @returns {Array} Array with extracted column values. */ listPluck: function( arr, column ) { return arr.map( function( x ) { if ( typeof x !== 'undefined' ) { return x[ column ]; } return x; } ); }, /** * Wrapper to trigger a native or custom event and return the event object. * * @since 1.7.5 * * @param {jQuery} $element Element to trigger event on. * @param {string} eventName Event name to trigger (custom or native). * * @returns {Event} Event object. */ triggerEvent: function( $element, eventName ) { var eventObject = new jQuery.Event( eventName ); $element.trigger( eventObject ); return eventObject; }, }; wpf.init();