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<?php /** * Additional functions used by the theme */ /** * Call a shortcode function by tag name. * * @param string $tag The shortcode whose function to call. * @param array $atts The attributes to pass to the shortcode function. Optional. * @param array $content The shortcode's content. Default is null (none). * * @return string|bool False on failure, the result of the shortcode on success. */ function electro_do_shortcode( $tag, array $atts = array(), $content = null ) { global $shortcode_tags; if ( ! isset( $shortcode_tags[ $tag ] ) ) { return false; } if ( $tag == 'products' && ! isset( $atts['orderby'] ) ) { $atts['orderby'] = 'post__in'; } return call_user_func( $shortcode_tags[ $tag ], $atts, $content, $tag ); } if ( ! function_exists( 'is_electro_customizer_enabled' ) ) { /** * Check whether the Electro Customizer settings are enabled * @return boolean */ function is_electro_customizer_enabled() { return apply_filters( 'electro_customizer_enabled', true ); } } if ( ! function_exists( 'electro_page_menu_args' ) ) { /** * Get our wp_nav_menu() fallback, wp_page_menu(), to show a home link. * * @param array $args Configuration arguments. * @return array */ function electro_page_menu_args( $args ) { $args['show_home'] = true; return $args; } } /** * Enables template debug mode */ function electro_template_debug_mode() { if ( ! defined( 'ELECTRO_TEMPLATE_DEBUG_MODE' ) ) { $status_options = get_option( 'woocommerce_status_options', array() ); if ( ! empty( $status_options['template_debug_mode'] ) && current_user_can( 'manage_options' ) ) { define( 'ELECTRO_TEMPLATE_DEBUG_MODE', true ); } else { define( 'ELECTRO_TEMPLATE_DEBUG_MODE', false ); } } } /** * Get other templates (e.g. product attributes) passing attributes and including the file. * * @access public * @param string $template_name * @param array $args (default: array()) * @param string $template_path (default: '') * @param string $default_path (default: '') * @return void */ function electro_get_template( $template_name, $args = array(), $template_path = '', $default_path = '' ) { if ( $args && is_array( $args ) ) { extract( $args ); } $located = electro_locate_template( $template_name, $template_path, $default_path ); if ( ! file_exists( $located ) ) { _doing_it_wrong( __FUNCTION__, sprintf( '<code>%s</code> does not exist.', $located ), '2.1' ); return; } // Allow 3rd party plugin filter template file from their plugin $located = apply_filters( 'electro_get_template', $located, $template_name, $args, $template_path, $default_path ); do_action( 'electro_before_template_part', $template_name, $template_path, $located, $args ); include( $located ); do_action( 'electro_after_template_part', $template_name, $template_path, $located, $args ); } /** * Locate a template and return the path for inclusion. * * This is the load order: * * yourtheme / $template_path / $template_name * yourtheme / $template_name * $default_path / $template_name * * @access public * @param string $template_name * @param string $template_path (default: '') * @param string $default_path (default: '') * @return string */ function electro_locate_template( $template_name, $template_path = '', $default_path = '' ) { if ( ! $template_path ) { $template_path = 'templates/'; } if ( ! $default_path ) { $default_path = 'templates/'; } // Look within passed path within the theme - this is priority $template = locate_template( array( trailingslashit( $template_path ) . $template_name, $template_name ) ); // Get default template if ( ! $template || ELECTRO_TEMPLATE_DEBUG_MODE ) { $template = $default_path . $template_name; } // Return what we found return apply_filters( 'electro_locate_template', $template, $template_name, $template_path ); } if ( ! function_exists( 'electro_get_social_networks' ) ) { /** * List of all available social networks * * @return array array of all social networks and its details */ function electro_get_social_networks() { return apply_filters( 'electro_get_social_networks', array( 'facebook' => array( 'label' => esc_html__( 'Facebook', 'electro' ), 'icon' => 'fab fa-facebook', 'id' => 'facebook_link', 'link' => '#', ), 'twitter' => array( 'label' => esc_html__( 'Twitter', 'electro' ), 'icon' => 'fab fa-twitter', 'id' => 'twitter_link', 'link' => '#', ), 'whatsapp-mobile' => array( 'label' => esc_html__( 'Whatsapp Mobile', 'electro' ), 'icon' => 'fab fa-whatsapp mobile', 'id' => 'whatsapp_mobile_link', ), 'whatsapp-desktop' => array( 'label' => esc_html__( 'Whatsapp Desktop', 'electro' ), 'icon' => 'fab fa-whatsapp desktop', 'id' => 'whatsapp_desktop_link', ), 'pinterest' => array( 'label' => esc_html__( 'Pinterest', 'electro' ), 'icon' => 'fab fa-pinterest', 'id' => 'pinterest_link', 'link' => '#', ), 'linkedin' => array( 'label' => esc_html__( 'LinkedIn', 'electro' ), 'icon' => 'fab fa-linkedin', 'id' => 'linkedin_link', 'link' => '#', ), 'googleplus' => array( 'label' => esc_html__( 'Google+', 'electro' ), 'icon' => 'fab fa-google-plus', 'id' => 'googleplus_link', 'link' => '#', ), 'tumblr' => array( 'label' => esc_html__( 'Tumblr', 'electro' ), 'icon' => 'fab fa-tumblr', 'id' => 'tumblr_link' ), 'instagram' => array( 'label' => esc_html__( 'Instagram', 'electro' ), 'icon' => 'fab fa-instagram', 'id' => 'instagram_link' ), 'tiktok' => array( 'label' => esc_html__( 'TikTok', 'electro' ), 'icon' => 'fab fa-tiktok', 'id' => 'tiktok_link' ), 'youtube' => array( 'label' => esc_html__( 'Youtube', 'electro' ), 'icon' => 'fab fa-youtube', 'id' => 'youtube_link' ), 'vimeo' => array( 'label' => esc_html__( 'Vimeo', 'electro' ), 'icon' => 'fab fa-vimeo-square', 'id' => 'vimeo_link' ), 'dribbble' => array( 'label' => esc_html__( 'Dribbble', 'electro' ), 'icon' => 'fab fa-dribbble', 'id' => 'dribbble_link', 'link' => '#', ), 'stumbleupon' => array( 'label' => esc_html__( 'StumbleUpon', 'electro' ), 'icon' => 'fab fa-stumbleupon', 'id' => 'stumble_upon_link' ), 'soundcloud' => array( 'label' => esc_html__('Sound Cloud', 'electro'), 'id' => 'soundcloud_link', 'icon' => 'fab fa-soundcloud', ), 'vine' => array( 'label' => esc_html__('Vine', 'electro'), 'id' => 'vine_link', 'icon' => 'fab fa-vine', ), 'vk' => array( 'label' => esc_html__('VKontakte', 'electro'), 'id' => 'vk_link', 'icon' => 'fab fa-vk', ), 'telegram' => array( 'label' => esc_html__('Telegram', 'electro'), 'id' => 'telegram_link', 'icon' => 'fab fa-telegram', ), 'rss' => array( 'label' => esc_html__( 'RSS', 'electro' ), 'icon' => 'fas fa-rss', 'id' => 'rss_link', 'link' => get_bloginfo( 'rss2_url' ), ) ) ); } } /** * Query WooCommerce activation */ if ( ! function_exists( 'is_woocommerce_activated' ) ) { function is_woocommerce_activated() { return class_exists( 'woocommerce' ) ? true : false; } } if ( ! function_exists( 'electro_is_woocommerce_activated' ) ) { function electro_is_woocommerce_activated() { return class_exists( 'woocommerce' ) ? true : false; } } if ( ! function_exists( 'is_dokan_activated' ) ) { function is_dokan_activated() { return class_exists( 'WeDevs_Dokan' ) ? true : false; } } if ( ! function_exists( 'is_dokan_pro_activated' ) ) { function is_dokan_pro_activated() { return class_exists( 'Dokan_Pro' ) ? true : false; } } /** * Check if Visual Composer is activated */ if( ! function_exists( 'is_vc_activated' ) ) { function is_vc_activated() { return class_exists( 'WPBakeryVisualComposerAbstract' ) ? true : false; } } /** * Check if Elementor is activated */ if( ! function_exists( 'is_elementor_activated' ) ) { function is_elementor_activated() { return did_action( 'elementor/loaded' ) ? true : false; } } /** * Check if Redux Framework is activated */ if( ! function_exists( 'is_redux_activated' ) ) { function is_redux_activated() { return class_exists( 'ReduxFrameworkPlugin' ) ? true : false; } } /** * Query WooCommerce Extension Activation. * @var $extension main extension class name * @return boolean */ function is_woocommerce_extension_activated( $extension ) { if( is_woocommerce_activated() ) { $is_activated = class_exists( $extension ) ? true : false; } else { $is_activated = false; } return $is_activated; } /** * Checks if YITH Wishlist is activated * * @return boolean */ if( ! function_exists( 'is_yith_wcwl_activated' ) ) { function is_yith_wcwl_activated() { return is_woocommerce_extension_activated( 'YITH_WCWL' ); } } /** * Checks if YITH WooCompare is activated * * @return boolean */ if( ! function_exists( 'is_yith_woocompare_activated' ) ) { function is_yith_woocompare_activated() { return is_woocommerce_extension_activated( 'YITH_Woocompare' ); } } /** * Checks if YITH WooCommerce Zoom Magnifier is activated * * @return boolean */ if( ! function_exists( 'is_yith_zoom_magnifier_activated' ) ) { function is_yith_zoom_magnifier_activated() { return is_woocommerce_extension_activated( 'YITH_WooCommerce_Zoom_Magnifier' ); } } /** * Checks if WooCommerce PayPal Checkout Gateway is activated * * @return boolean */ if( ! function_exists( 'is_wc_gateway_ppec' ) ) { function is_wc_gateway_ppec() { return is_woocommerce_extension_activated( 'WC_GATEWAY_PPEC' ); } } /** * Checks if WooCommerce simple auction is activated * * @return boolean */ if( ! function_exists( 'is_wc_simple_auction_activated' ) ) { function is_wc_simple_auction_activated() { return is_woocommerce_extension_activated( 'WooCommerce_simple_auction' ); } } /** * Checks if WPML is activated * * @return boolean */ if( ! function_exists( 'is_wpml_activated' ) ) { function is_wpml_activated() { return function_exists( 'icl_object_id' ) && class_exists('SitePress'); } } if ( ! function_exists( 'is_yith_wcan_activated' ) ) { function is_yith_wcan_activated() { return function_exists( 'YITH_WCAN' ); } } /** * Checks if WooCommerce Product Reviews Pro is activated * * @return boolean */ if( ! function_exists( 'is_wc_product_reviews_activated' ) ) { function is_wc_product_reviews_activated() { return is_woocommerce_extension_activated( 'WC_Product_Reviews_Pro' ); } } /** * Checks if Revslider is activated * * @return boolean */ if( ! function_exists( 'is_revslider_activated' ) ) { function is_revslider_activated() { return function_exists( 'putRevSlider' ); } } if( ! function_exists( 'is_ocdi_activated' ) ) { /** * Check if One Click Demo Import is activated */ function is_ocdi_activated() { return class_exists( 'OCDI_Plugin' ) ? true : false; } } /** * Clean variables using sanitize_text_field. * @param string|array $var * @return string|array */ function electro_clean( $var ) { return is_array( $var ) ? array_map( 'electro_clean', $var ) : sanitize_text_field( $var ); } /** * Clean variables using wp_kses_post. * @param string|array $var * @return string|array */ function electro_clean_kses_post( $var ) { return is_array( $var ) ? array_map( 'electro_clean_kses_post', $var ) : wp_kses_post( stripslashes( $var ) ); } if ( ! function_exists( 'electro_pr' ) ) { function electro_pr( $var ) { echo '<pre>' . print_r( $var, 1 ) . '</pre>'; } } /*function electro_x_kses_allow_data_attributes() { global $allowedposttags; $tags = array( 'a' ); $new_attributes = array( 'data-product_sku' => true, 'data-product_id' => true, 'data-product-id' => true, 'data-product-type' => true, 'data-quantity' => true, ); foreach ( $tags as $tag ) { if ( isset( $allowedposttags[ $tag ] ) && is_array( $allowedposttags[ $tag ] ) ) { $allowedposttags[ $tag ] = array_merge( $allowedposttags[ $tag ], $new_attributes ); } } }*/ add_filter( 'wp_kses_allowed_html', 'electro_add_data_attr', 10, 2 ); function electro_add_data_attr( $allowed, $context ) { if ( is_array( $context ) ) { return $allowed; } if ( $context === 'post' ) { $allowed['a']['data-product_sku'] = true; $allowed['a']['data-product_id'] = true; $allowed['a']['data-product-id'] = true; $allowed['a']['data-product-type'] = true; $allowed['a']['data-quantity'] = true; } return $allowed; } if ( ! function_exists( 'electro_is_yith_multistep_checkout_activated' ) ) { function electro_is_yith_multistep_checkout_activated() { return function_exists( 'YITH_Multistep_Checkout' ) && YITH_Multistep_Checkout()->is_plugin_enabled; } } if ( ! function_exists( 'electro_is_prdctfltr_activated' ) ) { function electro_is_prdctfltr_activated() { return function_exists( 'Prdctfltr' ); } } /* * Remove action of anonymous class object */ if ( ! function_exists( 'electro_remove_class_action' ) ) { function electro_remove_class_action( $hook_name = '', $class_name = '', $method_name = '', $priority = 10 ) { global $wp_filter; // Take only filters on right hook name and priority if ( ! isset( $wp_filter[ $hook_name ][ $priority ] ) || ! is_array( $wp_filter[ $hook_name ][ $priority ] ) ) { return false; } // Loop on filters registered foreach ( (array) $wp_filter[ $hook_name ][ $priority ] as $unique_id => $filter_array ) { // Test if filter is an array ! (always for class/method) if ( isset( $filter_array['function'] ) && is_array( $filter_array['function'] ) ) { // Test if object is a class, class and method is equal to param ! if ( is_object( $filter_array['function'][0] ) && get_class( $filter_array['function'][0] ) && get_class( $filter_array['function'][0] ) == $class_name && $filter_array['function'][1] == $method_name ) { // Test for WordPress >= 4.7 WP_Hook class ( if ( is_a( $wp_filter[ $hook_name ], 'WP_Hook' ) ) { unset( $wp_filter[ $hook_name ]->callbacks[ $priority ][ $unique_id ] ); } else { unset( $wp_filter[ $hook_name ][ $priority ][ $unique_id ] ); } } } } return false; } }
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