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<?php /* * BACKUPLY * * (c) Backuply Team */ if(!defined('BACKUPLY_PRO')) { die('HACKING ATTEMPT!'); } // Returns Backups Locations for PRO Version function backuply_get_pro_backups() { return array( 'softftpes' => 'FTPS', 'softsftp' => 'SFTP', 'dropbox' => 'Dropbox', 'aws' => 'Amazon S3', 'onedrive' => 'Microsoft OneDrive', 'webdav' => 'WebDAV', 'caws' => 'S3 Compatible' ); } // Handles the http request from Custom cron // TODO: This function is not being used function backuply_custom_cron_action() { global $backuply; if(!backuply_verify_self(backuply_optreq('backuply_key'))) { backuply_status_log('Security Check Failed', 'error'); die(); } $backuply['auto_backup'] = true; backuply_backup_rotation(); if($cron_backuply_backup_information = get_option('backuply_cron_settings')){ update_option('backuply_status', $cron_backuply_backup_information); backuply_backup_execute(); } } // Adds a Wp-Cron for autobackup if(!function_exists('backuply_add_auto_backup_schedule')){ function backuply_add_auto_backup_schedule($schedule = '') { if(empty($schedule)){ $schedule = backuply_optpost('backuply_cron_schedule'); } if (!wp_next_scheduled( 'backuply_auto_backup_cron' )){ wp_schedule_event(time(), $schedule, 'backuply_auto_backup_cron'); } } } // Initiates auto backup if(!function_exists('backuply_auto_backup_execute')){ function backuply_auto_backup_execute(){ global $backuply; //$backuply['auto_backup'] = true; // We don't want the Backup to run in case a Auto Backup starts while restoring. if(file_exists(BACKUPLY_BACKUP_DIR.'/restoration/restoration.php')){ error_log(__('Backuply: Can not start backup as restoration is going on', 'backuply')); return; } backuply_create_log_file(); if($auto_backup_settings = get_option('backuply_cron_settings')){ $auto_backup_settings['auto_backup'] = true; update_option('backuply_status', $auto_backup_settings); backuply_backup_execute(); } } } // Rotate the backups if(!function_exists('backuply_backup_rotation')){ function backuply_backup_rotation() { global $backuply; if(empty($backuply['status']['backup_rotation'])) { return; } $backup_info = backuply_get_backups_info(); if(empty($backup_info)) { return; } $backup_info = array_filter($backup_info, 'backuply_filter_backups_on_loc'); usort($backup_info, 'backuply_oldest_backup'); if(count($backup_info) > $backuply['status']['backup_rotation']) { if(empty($backup_info[0])) { return; } backuply_log('Deleting Files because of Backup rotation'); backuply_status_log('Deleting backup because of Backup rotation', 39); $extra_backups = count($backup_info) - $backuply['status']['backup_rotation']; if($extra_backups > 0) { for($i = 0; $i < $extra_backups; $i++) { backuply_delete_backup($backup_info[$i]->name .'.'. $backup_info[$i]->ext); } } } } } // Returns backups based on location function backuply_filter_backups_on_loc($backup) { global $backuply; if(!isset($backup->backup_location)){ return ($backup->auto_backup); } return ($backuply['status']['backup_location'] == $backup->backup_location && $backup->auto_backup); } // Returns oldest backup function backuply_oldest_backup($a, $b) { return (int) $a->btime - (int) $b->btime; } // Add our license key if ANY function backuply_updater_filter_args($queryArgs){ global $backuply; if (!empty($backuply['license']['license'])){ $queryArgs['license'] = $backuply['license']['license']; } $queryArgs['url'] = rawurlencode(site_url()); return $queryArgs; } // Handle the Check for update link and ask to install license key function backuply_updater_check_link($final_link){ global $backuply; if(empty($backuply['license']['license'])){ return '<a href="'.admin_url('admin.php?page=backuply-license').'">Install Backuply Pro License Key</a>'; } return $final_link; } // Prevent update of Backuply free function backuply_pro_disable_manual_update_for_plugin($transient){ $plugin = 'backuply/backuply.php'; // Is update available? if(!isset($transient->response) || !isset($transient->response[$plugin])){ return $transient; } $free_version = backuply_pro_get_free_version_num(); $pro_version = BACKUPLY_PRO_VERSION; if(!empty($GLOBALS['backuply_pro_is_upgraded'])){ $pro_version = backuply_pro_file_get_version_num('backuply-pro/backuply-pro.php'); } // Update the Backuply version to the equivalent of Pro version if(!empty($pro_version) && version_compare($free_version, $pro_version, '<')){ $transient->response[$plugin]->new_version = $pro_version; $transient->response[$plugin]->package = ''.$pro_version.'.zip'; }else{ unset($transient->response[$plugin]); } return $transient; } // Prevent update of Backuply free function backuply_pro_get_free_version_num(){ if(defined('BACKUPLY_VERSION')){ return BACKUPLY_VERSION; } // In case of Backuply deactive return backuply_pro_file_get_version_num('backuply/backuply.php'); } // Prevent update of Backuply free function backuply_pro_file_get_version_num($plugin){ // In case of Backuply deactive include_once(ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/plugin.php'); $plugin_data = get_plugin_data(WP_PLUGIN_DIR . '/'.$plugin); if(empty($plugin_data)){ return false; } return $plugin_data['Version']; } // Auto update free version after update pro version function backuply_pro_update_free_after_pro($upgrader_object, $options){ // Check if the action is an update for the plugins if($options['action'] != 'update' || $options['type'] != 'plugin'){ return; } // Define the slugs for the free and pro plugins $free_slug = 'backuply/backuply.php'; $pro_slug = 'backuply-pro/backuply-pro.php'; // Check if the pro plugin is in the list of updated plugins if( (isset($options['plugins']) && in_array($pro_slug, $options['plugins']) && !in_array($free_slug, $options['plugins'])) || (isset($options['plugin']) && $pro_slug == $options['plugin']) ){ // Trigger the update for the free plugin $current_version = backuply_pro_get_free_version_num(); if(empty($current_version)){ return; } $GLOBALS['backuply_pro_is_upgraded'] = true; // This will set the 'update_plugins' transient again wp_update_plugins(); // Check for updates for the free plugin $update_plugins = get_site_transient('update_plugins'); if(empty($update_plugins) || !isset($update_plugins->response[$free_slug]) || version_compare($update_plugins->response[$free_slug]->new_version, $current_version, '<=')){ return; } require_once(ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/plugin.php'); require_once(ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php'); $skin = wp_doing_ajax() ? new WP_Ajax_Upgrader_Skin() : null; $upgrader = new Plugin_Upgrader($skin); $upgraded = $upgrader->upgrade($free_slug); if(!is_wp_error($upgraded) && $upgraded){ // Re-active free plugins if( file_exists( WP_PLUGIN_DIR . '/'. $free_slug ) && is_plugin_inactive($free_slug) ){ activate_plugin($free_slug); // TODO for network } // Re-active pro plugins if( file_exists( WP_PLUGIN_DIR . '/'. $pro_slug ) && is_plugin_inactive($pro_slug) ){ activate_plugin($pro_slug); // TODO for network } } } } // Load license data if(!function_exists('backuply_load_license')){ function backuply_load_license($parent = 0){ global $backuply; // Load license if(!empty($parent)){ $license_field = 'softaculous_pro_license'; $license_api_url = ''; }else{ $license_field = 'backuply_license'; $license_api_url = BACKUPLY_API; } $backuply['license'] = get_option($license_field, []); if(empty($backuply['license']['last_update'])){ $backuply['license']['last_update'] = time() - 86600; } // Update license details as well if(!empty($backuply['license']) && !empty($backuply['license']['license']) && (time() - @$backuply['license']['last_update']) >= 86400){ $resp = wp_remote_get($license_api_url.'/license.php?license='.$backuply['license']['license'].'&url='.rawurlencode(site_url())); //Did we get a response ? if(is_array($resp)){ $tosave = json_decode($resp['body'], true); //Is it the license ? if(!empty($tosave['license'])){ $tosave['last_update'] = time(); update_option($license_field, $tosave); } } } // If the license is Free or Expired check for Softaculous Pro license if(empty($backuply['license']) || empty($backuply['license']['active'])){ if(function_exists('softaculous_pro_load_license')){ $softaculous_license = softaculous_pro_load_license(); if(!empty($softaculous_license['license']) && (!empty($softaculous_license['active']) || empty($backuply['license']['license'])) ){ $backuply['license'] = $softaculous_license; } }elseif(empty($parent)){ $backuply['license'] = get_option('softaculous_pro_license', []); if(!empty($backuply['license'])){ backuply_load_license(1); } } } } } function backuply_pro_api_url($main_server = 0, $suffix = 'backuply'){ global $backuply; $r = array( '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '' ); $mirror = $r[array_rand($r)]; // If the license is newly issued, we need to fetch from API only if(!empty($main_server) || empty($backuply['license']['last_edit']) || (!empty($backuply['license']['last_edit']) && (time() - 3600) < $backuply['license']['last_edit']) ){ $mirror = BACKUPLY_API; } if(!empty($suffix)){ $mirror = str_replace('/softwp', '/'.$suffix, $mirror); } return $mirror; }
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