shell bypass 403
UnknownSec Shell
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info server
name :
<?php include_once('ftps.php'); class softftpes { var $ftps_conn = false; var $position; var $remotefile; var $readsize = 0; var $ftps; var $orig_path = ''; var $tmpsize = 0; var $tpfile = 'php://memory'; var $writepos = 0; var $wp = NULL; // Memory Write Pointer var $mode; function __construct(){ $this->softftpes(); } function softftpes(){ $this->ftps = new ftps(); } function __destruct(){ $this->position = 0; $this->remotefile = ''; } // Used to test a connection to the remote server function connect($host, $port, $user, $pass, $pri = 0, $passphrase = 0){ //cannot put this code inside constructor since we need to pass the URL, the constructor takes void(no) parameters global $error; // There is a bug in PHP versions less than 5.6.0 causing the ftp_put/ftp_fput to fail with error Accepted Data Connection // Tested with 5.5.38 and 5.4.45 if(version_compare(phpversion(), '5.6.0', '<')){ $error['no_support_php56'] = 'FTPS is not supported for PHP version less than 5.6 your current PHP version is '.phpversion(); return false; } //__construct is called only before stream_open() in older versions of PHP (< 5.6). In newer versions, it is called before all the stream functions. if(!is_object($this->ftps)){ $this->ftps = new ftps(); } //backuply_log($host.' - '.$port.' - '.$user.' - '.$pass); $this->ftps_conn = $this->ftps->connect($host, $port, $user, $pass); if(!empty($this->ftps->error)){ foreach($this->ftps->error as $k => $v){ $error[] = $v; } } return $this->ftps_conn; } // Just so that we can connect everywhere function init($path, &$url = array()){ if(!preg_match('/softftpes:\/\//i', $path)){ return false; } $url = parse_url($path); // By default the port is 21 if(empty($url['port'])){ $url['port'] = 21; } // Are we to connect if(empty($this->ftps_conn)){ $this->connect($url['host'], $url['port'], rawurldecode($url['user']), rawurldecode($url['pass'])); } if(empty($this->ftps_conn)){ return false; } return $this->ftps_conn; } // For fopen function stream_open($path, $mode){ if(!$init = $this->init($path, $url)){ return $init; } //echo 'IN OPEN : '.$this->ftps_conn.' - '.$path."\n"; //backuply_print($this->ftps->error); //echo 'HERE'; //die(); //backuply_log('[stream_open] '.$path); $this->orig_path = $path; $this->mode = $mode; $this->remotefile = $url['path']; $this->position = 0; if(strpos($this->mode, 'r') !== FALSE){ $this->readsize = filesize($this->orig_path); if(empty($this->readsize)){ return false; } } return $this->ftps_conn; } // AS of now not used function stream_read($count){ if(!$this->ftps_conn){ return false; } $fp = fopen('php://temp/maxmemory:'.$count, 'r+'); if(!ftp_fget($this->ftps->ftp_conn, $fp, $this->remotefile, FTP_BINARY, $this->position)){ $this->error[] = "Remote File $remotefile could not be accessed"; $this->error[] = "It looks like FTPS protocol is not supported with your PHP, Please try FTP/SFTP protocol"; return false; } $contents = ''; rewind($fp); while (!feof($fp)) { $contents .= fread($fp, 8192); } fclose($fp); if(empty($contents)){ return false; } $this->position = $this->position + $count; return $contents; } function stream_write($data){ $strlen = strlen($data); //echo 'IN WRITE : '.$strlen."\n"; //echo $this->remotefile.' - '.strlen($data);die(); if(!$this->ftps_conn){ return false; } if(!is_resource($this->wp)){ $this->wp = fopen($this->tpfile, 'w+'); } //Initially store the data in a variable fwrite($this->wp, $data); $this->tmpsize += strlen($data); $ret = $strlen; $this->position += $strlen; // Are we already more than 4 MB ? if($this->tmpsize >= 2000000){ rewind($this->wp); if(!empty($GLOBALS['start_pos'])){ $this->writepos = $GLOBALS['start_pos']; } if(!$this->ftps->backup_softput($this->remotefile, $this->wp, $this->writepos)){ $ret = false; } $GLOBALS['start_pos'] += $this->tmpsize; // Close the temp file and reset the variables if(is_resource($this->wp)){ fclose($this->wp); } $this->wp = NULL; $this->tmpsize = 0; } return $ret; } function stream_close(){ $ret = true; if(preg_match('/w|a/is', $this->mode)){ // Are we already more than 4 MB ? if($this->tmpsize > 0 && is_resource($this->wp)){ rewind($this->wp); $this->writepos = $GLOBALS['start_pos']; if(!$this->ftps->backup_softput($this->remotefile, $this->wp, $this->writepos)){ $ret = false; } $GLOBALS['start_pos'] += $this->tmpsize; // Close the temp file and reset the variables if(is_resource($this->wp)){ fclose($this->wp); } $this->wp = NULL; $this->tmpsize = 0; } } return $ret; } function stream_eof(){ return $this->position >= $this->readsize; } function stream_tell(){ return $this->position; } function dir_opendir($path, $options){ if(!$init = $this->init($path, $url)){ return $init; } $this->orig_path = $path; $this->remotefile = $url['path']; $this->filelist = $this->ftps->filelist($this->remotefile); //backuply_print($this->filelist); return true; } function dir_readdir(){ $key = key($this->filelist); if(is_null($key)){ return false; } $val = $this->filelist[$key]; unset($this->filelist[$key]); return pathinfo($val, PATHINFO_BASENAME); } function dir_closedir(){ // Do nothing } // Download a remote file to the local file function download_file_loop($path, $localfile, $startpos = 0){ global $data, $error; if(!$init = $this->init($path, $url)){ return $init; } backuply_log($url['path'].' - '.$startpos); //die(); $lfp = @fopen($localfile, 'ab'); $ret = ftp_nb_fget($this->ftps->ftp_conn, $lfp, $url['path'], FTP_BINARY, $startpos); $loop_break = false; $size_tracker = $startpos; while ($ret == FTP_MOREDATA){ clearstatcache(); if((filesize($localfile) - $size_tracker) > 1000000){ backuply_status_log('Downloaded File (L'.$data['restore_loop'].') : '.filesize($localfile)); $size_tracker = filesize($localfile); } if((time() + 5) >= $GLOBALS['end']){ backuply_status_log('Breaking Loop (L'.$data['restore_loop'].') at FileSize : '.filesize($localfile)); $loop_break = true; break; } /* // For testing if((filesize($localfile) - $startpos) > 50000000){ backuply_status_log('Breaking Loop (L'.$data['restore_loop'].') at FileSize : '.filesize($localfile)); $loop_break = true; break; }*/ // Continue downloading... $ret = ftp_nb_continue($this->ftps->ftp_conn); } if (empty($loop_break) && $ret != FTP_FINISHED) { $error[] = 'There was an error downloading the file...'; return false; } backuply_status_log('Downloaded FileSize in L'.$data['restore_loop'].' : '.filesize($localfile)); $percentage = (filesize($localfile) / $data['size']) * 100; backuply_status_log('<div class="backuply-upload-progress"><span class="backuply-upload-progress-bar" style="width:'.round($percentage).'%;"></span><span class="backuply-upload-size">'.round($percentage).'%</span></div>', 'downloading', 22); $GLOBALS['l_readbytes'] = filesize($localfile); return $ret; } function mkdir($path, $mode, $options){ if(!$init = $this->init($path, $url)){ return $init; } $ret = $this->ftps->mmkdir($url['path'], $mode); return $ret; } function rmdir($path, $options){ if(!$init = $this->init($path, $url)){ return $init; } $res = $this->ftps->rmdir($url['path']); return $res; } function url_stat($path, $flags){ if(!$init = $this->init($path, $url)){ return $init; } $url['path'] = $this->cleanpath($url['path']); if(empty($url['path'])){ $url['path'] = '/'; } if($url['path'] == '/'){ $file = '.'; $dir = $url['path']; }else{ $file = basename($url['path']); $dir = dirname($url['path']); } $dir = $this->cleanpath($dir); if(empty($dir)){ $dir = '/'; } //echo $file.' - '.$dir." -- - - -\n";die(); $list = $this->ftps->rawlist($dir); foreach($list as $k => $v){ $list[$k] = $this->ftps->_parselisting($v); if($list[$k]['name'] != $file){ continue; } $stat = array('dev' => 0, 'ino' => 0, 'mode' => (!empty($list[$k]['mode']) ? octdec($list[$k]['mode']) : 0), 'nlink' => 0, 'uid' => 0, 'gid' => 0, 'rdev' => 0, 'size' => $list[$k]['size'], 'atime' => $list[$k]['time'], 'mtime' => $list[$k]['time'], 'ctime' => $list[$k]['time'], 'blksize' => -1, 'blocks' => -1 ); return $stat + array_values($stat); } return false; } function unlink($path){ if(!$init = $this->init($path, $url)){ return $init; } $res = $this->ftps->delete($url['path']); return $res; } function rename($from, $to){ if(!$init = $this->init($from, $url)){ return $init; } $url_from = parse_url($from); $url_to = parse_url($to); //echo 'Rename : '.$url_from['path'].' - '.$url_to['path']."\n"; return $this->ftps->rename($url_from['path'], $url_to['path']); } function cleanpath($path){ $path = str_replace('\\\\', '/', $path); $path = str_replace('\\', '/', $path); $path = str_replace('//', '/', $path); return rtrim($path, '/'); } }
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